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27.98  /  1.26%


NAV (ZAR) on 2024/09/13
NAV (ZAR) on 2024/09/12 21.9506
52 week high on 2024/08/27 22.7551
52 week low on 2023/10/26 17.1271
Total Expense Ratio on 2024/06/30 1.76
Total Expense Ratio (performance fee) on 2024/06/30 0
Incl Dividends
1 month change 2.24% 2.24%
3 month change 9.55% 10.99%
6 month change 15.21% 16.72%
1 year change 26.85% 30.06%
5 year change 7.39% 10.09%
10 year change 1.38% 3.69%
Price data is updated once a day.
Unit trust and ETF performances for periods greater than 12 months are annualised.

Here is a list of JSE shares held in this Unit Trust. These tables reflect changes in holdings over two quarters, but do not show where a fund has completely sold a holding during the latest quarter.

Old Mutual Mid & Small-Cap Fund

Fund managed by Old Mutual Unit Trust Managers (RF) (Pty) Ltd.
Holdings Jun 2024 Mar 2024 Unit change Value change (R'000s) % of Fund
# Units Value (R'000s) # Units Value (R'000s)
  ADvTECH Ltd. 994,752 282,211.140 994,752 280,818.490 0 1,392.650 4.3556
  Afrimat Ltd. 306,548 218,553.400 306,548 177,797.840 0 40,755.560 3.3731
  AngloGold Ashanti plc 31,200 144,209.520 31,200 131,848.080 0 12,361.440 2.2257
  Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Ltd. 141,342 331,234.980 153,277 335,186.140 -11,935 -3,951.160 5.1122
  AVI Ltd. 206,784 196,692.940 224,245 204,018.100 -17,461 -7,325.160 3.0357

The free version only lists 5 shares. Subscribe to see the full list.

  • Fund focus and objective  
The fund aims to offer superior returns over the medium to longer term by investing in companies with a market capitalisation smaller than the company with the lowest market capitalisation listed on the FTSE/JSE Large Cap Index (J205). This fund is suited to investors seeking long-term capital growth by investing in a focused portfolio of mid- and small cap companies. These investors can tolerate stock market volatility. The fund invests in established companies with a market capitalisation smaller than the company with the lowest market capitalisation listed on the FTSE/JSE Large Cap Index (J205). The fund aims to achieve its performance objectives through superior share selection. Derivatives may be used for efficient portfolio management purposes.In order to achieve the fund objective the portfolio manager may choose to gain exposure to the described assets and asset classes by investing through OMLACSA pooled portfolios, collective investment schemes or a combination thereof.

Instrument Details  

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