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0.31  /  0.23%


NAV (ZAR) on 2024/09/12
NAV (ZAR) on 2024/09/11 1.3260
52 week high on 2024/08/22 1.3503
52 week low on 2023/11/01 1.1871
Total Expense Ratio on 2024/06/30 1.19
Total Expense Ratio (performance fee) on 2024/06/30 0
Incl Dividends
1 month change 0.81% 0.81%
3 month change 2.4% 2.4%
6 month change 3.3% 6.02%
1 year change 7.11% 9.93%
5 year change 5.42% 8.24%
10 year change 0% 0%
Price data is updated once a day.
Unit trust and ETF performances for periods greater than 12 months are annualised.

Here is a list of JSE shares held in this Unit Trust. These tables reflect changes in holdings over two quarters, but do not show where a fund has completely sold a holding during the latest quarter.
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  • Fund focus and objective  
The Manager in selecting collective investment schemes for the portfolio will aim to protect capital and generate moderate income growth over the long term while outperforming CPI + 6% over a seven year rolling period. In order to achieve this objective the Assetbase CPI + 6% Prescient Fund of Funds will, apart from assets in liquid form, consist solely of participatory interest in collective schemes or similar schemes in equity, bond, money market and property markets which will be constructed within a moderate to high risk framework. The asset allocation will be adjusted moderate to aggressively with the equity allocation managed at a maximum effective equity exposure, including offshore equity, up to 75% and a maximum effective property exposure, including offshore property, up to 25%. The underlying collective investment schemes are permitted to invest in listed and unlisted financial instruments in line with conditions as determined by the Registrar from time to time. The portfolio will predominantly invest in South African markets, but is however permitted to include investments in offshore jurisdictions subject to the investment conditions determined by legislation from time to time.
The portfolio will be subject to the Prudential Investment Guidelines for South African Retirement Funds, being Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act, or such other legislation published from time to time.

Instrument Details  

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