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0.1  /  0.09%


NAV (ZAR) on 2024/09/13
NAV (ZAR) on 2024/09/12 1.1590
52 week high on 2024/09/13 1.1600
52 week low on 2023/09/28 1.0850
Total Expense Ratio on 2024/06/30 0.71
Total Expense Ratio (performance fee) on 2024/06/30 0
Incl Dividends
1 month change 1.57% 1.57%
3 month change 4.07% 4.71%
6 month change 4.62% 7.43%
1 year change 6.55% 13.52%
5 year change 2.74% 9.04%
10 year change 0% 0%
Price data is updated once a day.
Unit trust and ETF performances for periods greater than 12 months are annualised.

Here is a list of JSE shares held in this Unit Trust. These tables reflect changes in holdings over two quarters, but do not show where a fund has completely sold a holding during the latest quarter.

Corion BCI Income Fund

Fund managed by Boutique Collective Investments (RF) (Pty) Ltd.
Holdings Jun 2024 Mar 2024 Unit change Value change (R'000s) % of Fund
# Units Value (R'000s) # Units Value (R'000s)
  Absa Bank Ltd. 10,179 75,935.340 9,262 71,132.160 917 4,803.180 0.7880
  Dipula Income Fund Ltd. 101,275 4,243.420 101,275 4,152.280 0 91.140 0.0440
  Emira Property Fund Ltd. 77,858 8,566.610 83,500 7,348.000 -5,642 1,218.610 0.0889
  Equites Property Fund Ltd. 57,287 7,332.740 57,287 7,275.450 0 57.290 0.0761
  Fairvest Ltd. 676,600 26,049.100 562,600 21,041.240 114,000 5,007.860 0.2703

The free version only lists 5 shares. Subscribe to see the full list.

  • Fund focus and objective  
Low risk multi-strategy and asset class fund. Objective is to maximise income. Invests in a combination of bond, cash, property or preference shares. Benchmark is the Stefi Composite Index.

Instrument Details  

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