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1.4  /  0.82%


NAV (ZAR) on 2024/09/13
NAV (ZAR) on 2024/09/12 1.6956
52 week high on 2024/08/27 1.7757
52 week low on 2023/11/01 1.4413
Total Expense Ratio on 2024/06/30 1.29
Total Expense Ratio (performance fee) on 2024/06/30 0
Incl Dividends
1 month change 3.12% 4.51%
3 month change 10.28% 11.77%
6 month change 16.31% 17.87%
1 year change 17.98% 21.07%
5 year change 10.35% 13.81%
10 year change 4.18% 7.25%
Price data is updated once a day.
Unit trust and ETF performances for periods greater than 12 months are annualised.

Here is a list of JSE shares held in this Unit Trust. These tables reflect changes in holdings over two quarters, but do not show where a fund has completely sold a holding during the latest quarter.
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  • Fund focus and objective  
The primary objective of the PSG SA EQUITY FUND is to maximise long-term returns by investing in domestic shares only. In order to achieve this objective the securities to be acquired for the PSG SA EQUITY FUND shall comprise a mix of domestic listed securities and assets in liquid form, and will include shares, participatory interests or any other form of participation in trust schemes in property shares, loan stock and derivative instruments. The portfolio will comply with sub-limits in terms of equity exposure as per regulations governing retirement funding. The portfolio may also include participatory interests or any other form of participation in portfolios of collective investment schemes or other similar schemes registered in the Republic of South Africa. The inclusion of participatory interests or any other form of participation in a portfolio will be limited by the statutory limitations placed on the inclusion of participatory interests in a portfolio, as may be amended from time to time. Nothing in this supplemental deed and the deed contained shall preclude the manager from varying the ratio of securities and assets in liquid form in terms of changing economic factors or market conditions and from retaining cash or placing cash on deposit in terms of the deed; provided that the manager shall ensure that the aggregate value of the assets comprising the portfolio consists of securities and assets in liquid form of the aggregate value required from time to time by the Act.

Instrument Details  

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