-0.4 /
NAV (ZAR) on 2024/09/13
NAV (ZAR) on 2024/09/12 |
3.4240 |
52 week high on 2024/06/07 |
3.5554 |
52 week low on 2023/11/02 |
2.9066 |
Total Expense Ratio on |
0 |
Total Expense Ratio (performance fee) on |
0 |
Here is a list of JSE shares held in this Unit Trust. These tables reflect changes in holdings over two quarters, but do not show where a fund has completely sold a holding during the latest quarter.
The free version only lists 5 shares. Subscribe to see the full list.
Fund Objective
The fund aims to offer superior returns in the medium to long term by investing in a well spread portfolio of equities across the globe. The fund is an actively managed multi-manager fund.
The fund is suited for clients with a need for international diversification and a hedge against exchange rate risk.
Why Choose This Fund?
- The fund invests primarily in the developed countries of the world.
- The fund is managed by leading global asset managers, and portfolio construction is based on fundamental company research.
- This is an equity fund and returns will reflect the performance of global equity markets.
- It is a well-diversified fund in terms of countries, currencies, sectors and managers.
- This multi-manager approach diversifies the portfolio across managers and management styles.
Additional Fund Information
- The fund manager may borrow up to 10% of the market value of the portfolio to bridge insufficient liquidity.
- Fluctuations or movements in exchange rates may cause the value of underlying international investments to go up or down.
- This fund can be closed for new investments.