-0.61 /
NAV (ZAR) on 2024/09/13
NAV (ZAR) on 2024/09/12 |
2.5669 |
52 week high on 2024/06/05 |
2.6373 |
52 week low on 2023/11/03 |
2.1980 |
Total Expense Ratio on 2024/06/30 |
1.34 |
Total Expense Ratio (performance fee) on 2024/06/30 |
0 |
Here is a list of JSE shares held in this Unit Trust. These tables reflect changes in holdings over two quarters, but do not show where a fund has completely sold a holding during the latest quarter.
The free version only lists 5 shares. Subscribe to see the full list.
The investment objective of the INVESTMENT SOLUTIONS STRATEGIC GLOBAL BALANCED FEEDER FUND is to generate capital appreciation over the medium to long term. The INVESTMENT SOLUTIONS STRATEGIC GLOBAL BALANCED FEEDER FUND is a Feeder Fund, and feeds into the Alexander Forbes Strategic Global Balanced Fund, which is characterised as being of a multi-asset class nature.
The INVESTMENT SOLUTIONS STRATEGIC GLOBAL BALANCED FEEDER FUND will, apart from assets in liquid form, consist solely of participatory interests in the above-mentioned underlying portfolio and financial instruments for the exclusive purpose of hedging exchange rate risks.
The underlying portfolio invests in a mix of collective investment portfolios. The Alexander Forbes Strategic Global Balanced Fund is suitable for investors who want to maximize capital growth over the medium to long term (five to seven years). It is aimed at investors who have a relatively low aversion to risk and would like exposure to equity markets. The Fund's relatively high weighting to equities is designed to increase the possibility of returns above inflation in the medium to long term (five to seven years). The Manager will be permitted to invest, at its discretion, on behalf of the INVESTMENT SOLUTIONS STRATEGIC GLOBAL BALANCED FEEDER FUND in offshore investments as legislation permits.