0.34 /
NAV (ZAR) on 2024/09/12
NAV (ZAR) on 2024/09/11 |
10.2526 |
52 week high on 2024/09/10 |
10.3153 |
52 week low on 2023/12/12 |
9.9966 |
Total Expense Ratio on |
0 |
Total Expense Ratio (performance fee) on |
0 |
Here is a list of JSE shares held in this Unit Trust. These tables reflect changes in holdings over two quarters, but do not show where a fund has completely sold a holding during the latest quarter.
The free version only lists 5 shares. Subscribe to see the full list.
The PIPETF ETF portfolio is managed by Prescient, an approved manager of Collective Investment Schemes and as such is governed in terms of CISCA. The Manager has entered into an agreement with the Asset Manager, Prescient Investment Management (Pty) Ltd, in terms of which the Asset Manager will manage the underlying portfolio and execute transactions to reflect these changes on behalf of the Manager. Standard Bank of South Africa Limited will act as the independent Trustee and will fulfil its duties as specified in CISCA and the Regulations thereto.
The primary performance objective of the Fund is to obtain as high a level of current income as is consistent with capital preservation and liquidity. Capital gains will be of an incidental nature.
This Fund invests in local and offshore money market, bonds, property, preference shares, inflation-linked bonds and derivatives to meet the investment objectives. Fund performance can be generated from taking interest rate views or duration, yield enhancement via credit instruments, asset allocation between income producing asset classes, offshore exposure and via the use of derivatives.